The Benefits and Challenges of Remote Software Development

Escaping Traditional Employment
Technology has provided businesses with ample opportunity, and one of the most important advancements is remote software development. Employees are now able to effectively work across massive distances and time zones without many barriers or expensive technological feats to overcome. Why even go into work you say? — Enter freelance and remote software development companies.
Remote access and cloud integration has categorically changed how software development is conducted, providing expertise from around the world the opportunity to build the future. The market for remove work has been booming, with studies showing that 53 million Americans currently qualify as freelancers and an expected increase to 40% of Americans by 2020.
Now let’s get to the important stuff, what are the benefits involved in remote software development? Are there setbacks, and how can those be prevented?
Benefits of Freelancers & Software Development Companies
Freelancers/Remote Software Development Companies are being regarded as the future of software development. The benefits from remote work usually include reductions in labor costs depending on the region, very experienced, hardworking and skilled workers without restricted hours of operation. These benefits are very appealing to any employer, and both freelancers and software firms can provide these benefits, but enough about benefits, what can go wrong?
Remote Software Development Requires Preparation
According to a report from IAG, 68% of technology projects fail. Wow, that seems staggeringly high doesn’t it? Well IAG found key attributes that lead to these failures.
- Poor Requirements
- Lack of Business Analysis
Whenever you’re looking to bring on a freelancer or remote software development firm, you have to be prepared to provide documentation on exactly what you want developed. I know mind reading is right around the corner, but it’s not quite as good as Skype, yet. Technical requirements can be extremely difficult to create, from user stories to specific technologies, most people don’t know where to begin which means it falls on the developer.
Software Firms Begin Surpassing Freelancers
Clarisoft has found a solution to ensuring our clients don’t fall into the 68% statistic, which is accomplished through our Discovery & Design phase. Clarisoft has Design & User Experience Engineers in house to ensure each client has thorough technical specification before we begin coding. Once development begins, Clarisoft practices Scrum & Agile methodology which allow us to iterate quickly if any needs of our clients change. A few other small benefits of a remote software development company are reliability, accountability & an array of technological expertise. — I mean if you don’t know 30 languages you’ll never make it as an engineer, right?